My Blog is Trying to Find Itself

I hope to be content and just write. Not that I am going to write so eloquently, I'm simply going to write what needs to be written, according to my feelings, my thoughts, what I'm studying or what I'm going through.
I started another blog to just write like I would in my journal and I've noticed I haven't written on here as I am wondering if another blog is really necessary. That's another reason I wanted to change the design to reflect what I like more. I think this blog now feels like it could cover both. Ah why must I separate myself out? I want to write about anything I feel like writing about...whether it's deep or shallow or practical or silly or mushy. All according to my ever-changing MOOD :) So welcome to the all-encompassing blog. Maybe :) Umm...did I mention one of the hardest decisions to make is what kind of candy bar to buy...I also am very indecisive. I'm sure you may have noticed. I also cannot all has to be tried on. I still am not sure whether I will keep both. I might. This one feels like me now.
Thanks the advice and encouragement! For now I'll keep both :) This blog, I guess, is for me to talk about my relationship with God, mainly. I have a lot of growing to do with blogging and, for me, I'm learning as I go. Being new, it can be and has been hard trying to figure it out. Appreciate that I'm not the only one that has started this way :)