The Opening Door

One way that God communicates with me is by having the same message come at me from different places. I like to call them "clusters." He really gets my attention when He does this. I have heard of Him doing this with other people also.
Over a week ago, when I was waiting for everything to happen, I was writing/praying a lot in my prayer-journal about the situation. I picked up my daughter's little daily devotional book that was a gift for her baptism and found a little story to read. At the bottom of the page, there was a small section  which said...Think of a time when God said - wait. If God is allowing a door to be closed for you, look for the one He is opening. That really jumped out at me. I even have a keychain which says..when God shuts one door He always opens another. That brought me a little encouragement.

A couple of days later, I was at the park with my grandkids I watch and I was writing in my journal and it was like a voice said..."the door's opening." I wrote that down. It didn't seem like my own thought. So of course I really began praying about the open door. And getting sort of excited.

The next day, I was having a particularly hard day. Lots of sadness. Blaming myself and feeling like a failure. Just feeling yucky and pretty depressed. I, I need something to read. I didn't feel like reading the Bible. I didn't feel like looking for a book. I just picked up a teen true story book that was on my coffee table and flipped to a story. It had an "open door" message. That sparked a memory from earlier that same day, when I went on a friend's blog and on her bloglist there a post guessed it "the open door!" Well that did cheer me up for sure!

The next day, on facebook, someone posts a picture of the keychain I have...God never shuts one door without opening another.

I know, I realize it could be a coincidence. It could be like if you're pregnant suddenly everyone's pregnant or if you start driving a certain type of car, they're everywhere! I know all that, but I also know when God is speaking to me and God is speaking to me! With a wonderful hope-filled message.

So I am praying for the opening door.

How does God speak to you? Give you encouragement and hope? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading.


  1. God works in mysterious ways, and opening a door that draws us out of the sin, darkness, pain, or living in the past is his specialty. He gives new chances, new life, new mercies. He leads us and guides us. The path is not guaranteed to be all roses, but He will be there with us. So it's ok. To be willing; to be humbly walking toward HIm is key.
    To let go of me and focus on Him brings a more confident way, I find. His Word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. Only so many steps are brightened by that lamp light. We walk in faith. We trust Him. He leads us. It's awesome.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I just want to live the life He has for me.


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