And the Two Shall Become One

I was experimenting with having two blogs for a few months now. I had a hard time determining what should go where. So if you're familiar with Unfolding Hope - I imported all the posts to this blog and am going to do it all here. Write what I feel and other things as they come up. I was feeling too bi-polar with two blogs. All my positive was on Life in His Hand and my more negative/me trying to deal with my issues stuff was going on the other one, so when I figured out how to join them together - so easy - I decided to do that. I have also decided to write like I was on the other blog here. For me, there will be no rules. If I want/need to whine/vent or whatever this will be the place. So in a few posts I talk about two blogs, instead of going back and fixing them all, I am just going to leave them the way they are. It's actually kind of cool to see my posts from the other blog on here.

I'm feeling pretty good about this new arrangement which lends itself to more variety on my blog. I am also wanting to blog at least three times a week. So we'll see how that goes and the beautiful thing about that is that I don't have to always try to come up with something wonderful...I can just be me. Yay!

Now if only the rest of my life could come together in a way that makes sense, then I'd be set!

Until we meet again :)


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