Life Boat

Something really weird is happening in my life. I can't quite figure it out. There is one area of my life that I feel like I am growing in, that things are going pretty well for me and another part that is chaos. I'm pretty involved in my church. I work with the kids/youth and teach a class for them. I am doing some meetings for them on the weekend nights and doing bible studies with a few of them, as well as my aunt, and I also have a ladies small group Bible study at my house. Suddenly I am up to my eyeballs in Bible study of one kind or another. A couple of them are about to be finished, though.

And I wonder why God would give me these things to do for Him when my life is a complete mess. Why is He blessing the things I am doing and giving me new challenges? Why do I even feel up to it? Life isn't perfect and I guess we all have our struggles.

I'm thinking maybe this is God's way of balancing things out. It's only by His grace and strength that I am able to do these things. He constantly shows His love for me in the most thoughtful ways, and I think that His being so actively real and involved in my life, is my life boat right now. My salvation.

I sit here and I am so full of stress at times and I think, will I ever be on the other side of this? Will I ever have peace in my life? And I wait. For God's answer and plan.

* UPDATE 2-8-12   God is making some things that have been causing me a lot of confusion and turmoil to be cleared up. And I am experiencing peace for the first time in awhile!


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