Letting it Go - Decluttering

The more I try to declutter, organize and get rid of the junk - the more it seems to come from outta nowhere! So this spring I am going to be working REALLY hard to unload it. I have a lot of stuff that's just sitting around waiting on the porch to go to the second-hand store. Then there's the little stacks and piles here and there around the house. I think if I could haul it away, right when it's ready, instead of letting it sit and accumulate, it wouldn't feel so overwhelming.

We will also need to take a couple of loads to the dump. Seems we do this yearly. My question is: where does it all come from??

Once I can get the junk out, then maybe I can actually get more organized and find a place for everything. Since I live in a small house, I will either have to get really creative (not so likely) or toss more stuff (not so likely, either!) Well I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it!

This also makes me think of spiritual decluttering. What are the things I am holding onto that might be keeping me from growing spiritually? Getting in the way. Taking up space that could serve a better purpose. What are the things that get in the way of my relationship with God? With others? Whether it's selfishness, pride, anger or some other sin - what do I need to throw out? It's good to think about this and then make a plan to get rid of that useless stuff.

Lately, things in my life have improved simply because I decided to be more content, positive and quick to forgive. It sure takes less energy to forgive than to hold a grudge. Letting it go and giving it to God is freeing!
You get the same peaceful feeling that you do when your house is clean and organized!

What are your plans for spring cleaning? What do you have a hard time giving up?


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