Christmas Update
Only five days until Christmas. The kids are getting excited. I have nothing wrapped. Things have been slow going this year. Plus I don't exactly trust the little cherubim. They will either shake things, feel things to death or straight up just tear the paper and peek. So my middle daughter keeps asking where all the presents are. I just tell her not to worry, maybe Santa's bringing them this year.
Just doesn't feel like Christmas. Probably because I haven't had to spend a lot of time out in the crowded stores (thanks to online shopping). Also my mind is preoccupied and so the holiday's not getting the usual attention I give it. I just bought Christmas cards today and am only sending two, the rest are going to be hand-delivered. Our stockings aren't even hung by the chimney with care...that's on the to do list for tomorrow. We haven't gone to see the Christmas lights yet either. I'm really slacking, but nobody seems to notice or care. Except Sophie about the lack of wrapped presents under the tree. I didn't put up my nativity or read Christmas stories to the kids either... I feel like I am reminding myself as I sit here. I guess it's not too late. We still have five days left, right?
I didn't do anything at the church for Christmas but I am hoping to do a little something in our Sabbath school class on Christmas Eve morning. Maybe I will read them a story from the Christmas Guide book. Some heart-warming true story to warm up this holiday. My daughter has gingerbread cookies to decorate in a kit...I should talk her into letting my class do that. Keep it super simple.
Wishing I could watch 'It's a Wonderful Life' and 'Miracle on 34th Street', but I don't have them. Of course I could find them easy enough if I really wanted to.
Another New Year is just about here. Time to reflect over this past one. Try to remember what resolutions I made... I don't think there were many. I'm learning to make them few and doable and I still can't remember. I'm thankful that I keep a prayer journal. I probably wrote them down in there and can look them up if I think of it at the right time a.k.a. when I'm not feeling too lazy.
On Christmas my little friend is coming over. She was never married and doesn't have any family around here. Only has one brother in a different state. I've sort of adopted her. Maybe she adopted me. She's a great friend that would otherwise spend the holiday alone so I invited her to join us. I don't even feel like having Christmas food this year and am having bar-b-que food instead. Some veggie meat and potato salad. Of course my friend is bringing her veggie turkey and rolls. I told her I just didn't feel like doing so much work like I did on Thanksgiving. I do not like to cook.

One thing I am truly thankful for is Christmas vacation. It's so nice not having to be anywhere and being able to sleep in. I think I need a little 'Christmas with the Kranks' or something to get me in the spirit.
I am always grateful for Jesus. I love the story of His birth. God was so out of the box with it. He sure makes good plans. So we should definitely remember to include Him in our plan-making. Or better yet, let Him make the plans :) Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
*Yep, I seriously need some 'Christmas with the Kranks'.
**UPDATING THE UPDATE- yay!! We watched 'Christmas with the Kranks' not once, but twice!! Tonite we looked at Christmas lights after finishing our shopping. Oh yes, I hung up the stockings and made a plan for a little party at Sabbath school. So I still haven't wrapped anything but it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas :) And our Christmas dinner appears to be half Christmas food. It's all good.
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