
Showing posts from April, 2012


Well, I am having some technical difficulties and wow am I feeling it! I miss reading your blogs and sharing with you all. I hope to have things worked out soon. I will be going through some transitions in my life and if you're a praying person, please remember me in your prayers. Meanwhile, the Youth Night was a hit!!! We watched a Louie Giglio talk, How Great is our God. Then we played a really fun game afterward and hung out. The kids had a blast and so did we...the adults. It was a great night. Hoping to share more as we go on. Some other good news!! My youngest daughter, Amanda, my niece Heather and our friend Martin are getting baptized this coming Sabbath. I am excited! We've been waiting for awhile, since we were in between pastors for several months. Hope to be back soon. Thanks for reading :)

Down By the River

One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday afternoon - hanging out at the river. It was a perfect day. We went for a walk on the trail, enjoying the warm sunshine and cool breeze.  The kids chased butterflies and picked wildflowers. I spent some time down by the river just reflecting on God's beautiful nature and writing in my prayer-journal, while they played. So peaceful. My daughter, Sophie, myself and my youngest daughter, Amanda. Our friend, Martin, with Sophie and Amanda Mandie playing in the dirt. Martin can throw pretty far.  Ahh...JOY!!!!

My Angel

From what dangers, seen and unseen, we have been preserved through the interposition of the angels, we shall never know, until in the light of eternity we see the providences of God. Desire of Ages 240. This was what we discussed at prayer-meeting last week. Guardian angels. What an amazing thought. There are mighty angels watching over every move we make and intervening, at times, on our behalf. I sometimes sit here and wonder what my angel thinks of my life. Of the way I do things. I wonder if he cheers for me when I overcome or do the right thing. How does he feel when I mess up? What does he think when he sees me hurting? Or worried or happy? I think he weeps with me and rejoices with me. Someday, I'll meet him and hear about all the times he stepped in and saved my life, keeping me alive because it just wasn't my time to go yet.  Someday I'll hear about my life as seen through his eyes. How strange and wonderful that will be. He'll say, "Hey remember ...

My Umbrella

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.  Psalm 5:11 Life is strange. One day it's bright and sunny and safe; the next it's cloudy and stormy and your scurrying to find an umbrella. Maybe for some of you, you live in a place that has mild weather all the time. Or most of the time. That's a blessing. I have a cousin that seems to have it like that. She's happy and content and does what she does, living life simply. Things go along and flow smoothly, for the most part. I said to her one day, after telling her of my most recent drama, "I sure do seem to have a lot of chaos in my life". There's always something going on. Am I just a magnet for problems? Is it my personality? Do I create it? Or just allow it? I usually have good intentions, whatever the cause. So today, the sun is shining and it's a really beautiful day - outside. But I...

Recipe For Happiness

I thought this was really cool. I am hoping to add some of these things into my life. Some of them I already do. Hope you enjoy this or at least find it helpful!! Haha!

Hymn for the Missing

Sometimes I go out on a dark and windy night. I see the moon's light and the shadow of the leaves and hear their rustling. I look at the stars and wonder. I feel so out of place. I am filled with longings that just hover over my soul. Not even able to name them. It's just a deep and mysterious ache for the ones I miss. The ones I long to see. The ones that are lost to me. It's a feeling that comes over me, sadness and yearning for what is missing, mixed with hope and wondering. I think of yesterday and I want to hold onto it. I keep pieces and treasure them and fit them together with hopes of what may someday be. There were people in my life that were so special and I don't know where they are. This song is the first song I have ever heard that matches the deep longings I have to someday find them. I heard it for the first time tonight and it goes out to those I've loved and can't be with. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you're missing someone - a close frie...

Living Our Giftedness

Living our giftedness is all God wants us to do, in my opinion. It's so easy to get caught up in all the things that we could do or that people ask you to do for the church and God. Knowing who you are, recognizing your gifts and having them confirmed, praying about exactly what God wants you to do and using your time and abilities to do those things, is how it should work. The exciting thing is is that what God calls you to do, goes hand in hand with where your passion lies. Sometimes I agree to do something because I am asked and honestly, a little flattered. Sometimes I do things because I am asked and there isn't anyone else to do them. Then I struggle with - well does God want me to do this or just someone else? I think I'm learning s-l-o-w-l-y. So sometimes I quit something because I go whoa...this isn't for me. Or I've taken on too much and then have to go back and look at my priorities...again. What is awesome, though, is when God shows you what you shou...

Sweet Buffalo Mama!

Found a most unlikely friend! Sweet buffalo mama!

A Time of Waiting

There is something that I believe God said to me many years ago. I asked Him a question. A very serious and heartfelt question. I believe He answered me from His word, directly. I know that may sound crazy to some of you, but I was a new Christian, in a desperate situation. The question I asked was so important to me, that I asked for His answer to me, to be confirmed in a dream. I prayed that He would tell me a certain detail, at a certain time, in a dream and it happened at the exact time I asked for. That was 10 years ago, this month. Yes it's been a long time. But the issue that I prayed about is an ongoing thing and so I have waited and doubted and waited and doubted. And waited and wondered. Throughout these years, I have prayed about this same thing many, many times, always receiving the same consistent answer in many different ways. A very consistent and obvious answer. But one I have to wait for. So that's what's been happening for the past 10 years. And life goe...

Small Groups

I am so thankful for my small group. There were many years that I was pretty lonely in church, in life too. I remember praying for friends. Just one good friend. Guess I had been spoiled in my earlier years with close friends, but they were no longer in my life. I knew that I was missing out. Most of it was because I was somewhat isolated and didn't have a lot of outlets to make friends. I also wanted deeper relationships than the ones I was having with people in my small church. Seemed like I always wanted to talk on a deeper level or about spiritual things and it just didn't happen. Years before, we had started a small group bible study and it was nice. But that ended after awhile. So for the next several years I had wished we could do that again. It was something that I wondered and prayed about for a long time. I was sort of afraid of doing it. Finally I asked a couple of people if they wanted to get together once a week and they did. There were three of us for over a yea...

What You Said Then

I am amazed I ask questions and You answer You see through all the ways I hide And speak straight to my heart Sometimes it's so foggy, I can't find my way What to say, what to think But You show me the way Bring cheer on the darkest day And when doubt starts creeping in, You tell me again You tell me again A different day But the message is the same 10 years is a long time to wait On a promise that seems too late But what you said then You're saying today I sit here and wait My eyes are tired My heart hesitates But what you said then You're saying today It's not too late It's not too late

What Do You Really Want?

In the Wizard of Oz, the Tin Man wanted a heart, the Cowardly Lion wanted courage, the Scarecrow wanted a brain and Dorothy just wanted to go home. Been thinking. About what   I really want. One thing I wish I had was fearlessness. To not be hounded and chased by fear. To be able to think of something and not have fear get in the way. To be able to do whatever comes along, peacefully. But it seems wishing doesn't work for this one. No - facing the fear head on and doing what you fear, sometimes repeatedly, is the only way to overcome. And that is hard and so scary. Another thing I wish I had was more trust and faith in God. I have a BIG God and He has promised to care for me. So why do I fret so much? Why do I worry? I also would like to have the ability to do more for the people that are hurting and struggling. To do more to reach out to the very poor, the homeless, the widows and orphans, the abused, lonely, unloved and forgotten. I wish I could do more. One last thing...I would ...

Memory Lane +

Easter Plans Busy morning planned. Lots of eggs to boil and color and plastic ones to fill with candy and money. And of course, we will have to clean the house!!! And make food. On Saturday nights I like to stay up I'll suffer for it in the morning! What started out as a small family thing, with just us and the grandbabies, grew into a bigger thing, with a few more people. And because of that, I have to make sure the house is actually clean. I am not complaining, company always makes it feel like a party. We're planning an Easter egg hunt and a vegetarian, for the most part, barbeque. My flowers are blooming nicely and are so colorful and pretty - perfect for Easter! My porch got cleaned off and the grass is long enough. Oh and the weather will be cooperating. Yay!                                                           ...

A Little Reminder

Today, God reminded me of something. He has a plan for me. Sometimes it's uncomfortable and confusing. So we've been doing the prayer-meeting and I actually survived leading out. The other two that were helping have had things happening which have kept them from being able to help. I've been feeling the pressure from taking on new things, plus my fear wants to linger, at times. So this week I have been thinking that since the two aren't able to help, then maybe we should just forget it. Last week at my Sabbath school class I teach for the junior and youth age, I had a kid visit and say he wanted to join the youth group. He had heard from a young guy from church that Friday night was a youth program. I explained that it was a prayer-meeting and that I wanted to start having a youth night at church in a couple of weeks. So then I thought - I can't do all of this. This morning I tried to quit, but some that have been going, really want it to continue. We decided that...

For the Homeless, the unwanted

For the Homeless, the Unwanted  by Raymond A. Foss A place for them, the unwanted, a place safe, warm, to gather welcome, safe, from judgment a key to enter in support for those suffering a meal, a hug, understanding, sanctuary. within these walls, a regular place to come and to find acceptance. January 25, 2009 Isaiah 42:6-8 Luke 4:18-19 Matthew 25:31-40

One Small Step

This video really fits my life right now...all I CAN take are baby steps.