On Wednesday, my study group was over. We typically read the Bible, read a section from a book called, 'Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing' and pray. Sometimes, I share a story. Yesterday, I shared one called, 'Unanswered Letters'. It was about a man who had lost one arm, the use of his legs and on his "good" hand, he only had one finger and his thumb. He was discouraged, because he couldn't really do anything anymore, but wanted to do something to help other people. He started thinking about writing letters to people who were shut-in like himself. He thought of writing to prisoners. His mind was still brilliant; he had a lot to share. He contacted a Christian ministry and began painstakingly writing letters twice a week. Only thing was-he wouldn't receive any responses since it was against the rules of the prison. He put everything he had, his whole heart into writing. He eventually became discouraged as it was so physically challenging for him. Fi...