
Showing posts from April, 2013


I recently met a new friend who said he had everything he wants in life, besides a wife. I cannot even begin to conceive what that feels like. I wonder how much of an affect does the absence of a wife have. The next time I talk to him, I think I'll ask. Of course, he could be a simple guy, content and truly happy with his life so far. Or he could have the perfect life. Mine just feels like it's in limbo still. I don't have everything together. And I sit and worry too much and it seems God continuously reminds me of Matthew 6:25-34 25  “Therefore I tell you, do not worry  about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?   26  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?   27  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life [ e...

I Once Was Lost but Now I'm Found (Christy and Johanna, pt.2)

My friend and I would go through many changes over the next several years. We didn't live in the same town, but we managed to see each other. Once she ran away to my house because her mom was "too strict" aka normal! And that was where I left off in the story. We were fourteen, lots of parties going on and hanging out. That was when I ended up pregnant. Yes, at fourteen. I was a baby, but didn't think so. I was tough and cool and people always commented on how mature I was and how much older I looked (now it's just the opposite!!! And I couldn't be happier!!) That's so funny because I look back now and just shake my head because I absolutely knew NOTHING about life! But no one could have told me that. And no one ever tried. No one ever gave me any kind of guidance and I realize now that if you don't have it, you can't give it. I know that was the case with me. The adults in my life were doing their own thing. They just didn't have the advice to...

Crazy Days and Crazy Nights (Christy and Johanna, pt.1)

About a month ago, I mentioned that my best friend found me on Facebook. Since I got on Facebook a few years ago, I have been looking for her. And even before that-online. She shares one with her boyfriend (that I didn't know), so when I got the request in his name and checked it out, I was surprised to see her picture..and thrilled! I have been praying for a long time for this. So let's go back in time... I was nine years old and she was about six months older. My dad lived in the same apartments where she and her mom and brother lived. My mom ended up moving there, too, for awhile, with us. Not sure of all the timing of these things. We became fast friends. I remember her dancing to Mr. Roboto out in the parking lot. Doing some weird dance that I thought was kinda strange. We also danced to Thriller from Michael Jackson..oh boy! them 80's! We played 4 and 5 hour games of Monopoly, sitting out on the sidewalk in front of the apartments, in which my older brother wo...

Small Seeds

When you belong to a small country church, you can sometimes wonder if you really have a purpose there. The larger churches seem to have so much going on--so many people--so much to offer. When you compare the little things you're doing, it can make you wonder if it matters at all. That seemed to be the theme that I was seeing in our small church today. My aunt Julie was mentioning how she had been wondering if she even belonged teaching children, since all the little ones had left. But she realized that she was needed when one small child showed up today. I loaned her a couple of my older kids to keep the little girl company. My mother helped the girl's mother feel comfortable and got acquainted with her. This lady was actually a second-cousin of my mother's that she had never met before and had recently connected with on Facebook. She was looking for a church to go to and said that the other churches in town didn't seem like a good fit. This lady's looking ...

So Many Blessings!

My little grandson Evan. My little granddaughter Emma. My four girls and two grandkids...caught in a web!

Transitions 107

Stepping out of the old and into the new can be and has been stressful. I guess I'm at the "and" part between old and new. Maybe even in the "d" of "and". Trying to get my courage up to live a different and new life. Trying to think of the possibilities instead of the doubts. To trust instead of fear. Because I know, without a doubt, that God does have a plan. God has brought me through many hard times. I believe He will bring me into many good things and that the landscape of my life will look vastly different. Psalm 107:1-43   1-3  Oh, thank  God —he’s so good!      His love never runs out. All of you set free by  God , tell the world!      Tell how he freed you from oppression, Then rounded you up from all over the place,      from the four winds, from the seven seas. 4-9  Some of you wandered for years in the desert,      looking but not finding a good place to ...