Old Favorites

I've got a thing for old Fisher-Price toys...



and sock monkeys...
I guess these all just remind me of my childhood.  

I loved Little People when I was a kid. Some of my best memories are of playing "Little People" with my cousins. I'm pretty sure that one of my cousins had each of the toys in the Fisher Price pictures.

One of my favorite toys was a Monchichi... a nurse. I loved it 'til it was raggedy! 

My Great-Grandmother made sock monkeys. I even made one when my older kids were small. What was I thinking?? I don't sew and I'm not crafty... I guess I made it before I realized that!  

One of my newly discovered favorites are the faceless Amish dolls.  As soon as I became enthralled with the Amish and found a faceless doll- I've loved them. Sweet and simple like the people they represent.


I was also a Barbie fanatic and I loved playing with baby dolls. But I left them in the past... except for "Kimberly"... a very sorry looking, much-loved and worn out doll. Her hair is atrocious! HORRID!! When I was a kid, I tried to brush it down and would put a metal barrette in it to keep it in place. It was never easy! I lost my other favorite baby Sarah... luckily she was bald!  

What are some of the toys you enjoyed the most as a child?


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