Can't Get Away From It

I have had a pretty bad week. Very emotional for me. Problems with the kids and all the rest. Hormones have crept in so everything is just beneath the surface and so easily escapes. I am feeling pretty weepy. Even at church, I struggled to keep my composure when a friend asked what was going on. Luckily I felt pretty safe and so it was really nice to talk about it to someone that showed compassion. Not that I don't have others that care. But every way that someone cares matters so much to me right now. I truly appreciate the ways people are showing God's love to me. I can actually say that I have been depressed this week. I pray it passes quickly.

Some good friends from out of town, Jim and Margie, were ministering in one of our churches nearby. They had wanted to attend my daughter and neice's baptisms last week, but were unable to because they had a previous engagement. So since they were in the area, they wanted to meet at a mutual friend's place to give the girls Bibles with their names on them. Jim makes an awesome chocolate-covered toffee which I have recieved a gift of this candy before, at Christmastime. Today he and Margie gave me a BIG bag of it. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I am "fasting from candy." and besides, I didn't want him to take it back! So to me this means I am either done fasting or pretty close to it!!! Haha! What sweet people to bring me candy.

I felt pretty loved today.


  1. I just want to thank you, Pam, for your encouragement to me. It matters a lot more than you know. Making a small difference is where it's at. And sometimes what may seem small to us is huge to the one receiving.

    I have actually heard of Jesus Calling. maybe I'll have to check it out :)

  2. I'm sorry you are feeling down JoHanna. It's kind of like you're feeling like just a blob of a person. I will have to say a few prayers for you.

    I want to thank you for commenting on my blog with condolences about Casper. It was really appreciated. I asked Casper to live until 21 but he just couldn't make it. The Good Lord said it his time to go. You will have to go back on my blog and see where he is buried. I wouldn't mind being buried there myself. Take care JoHanna. God Bless.

    Love You,

    1. Thanks, Monica. Hope you're doing okay. Yeah, I'll have to come by and see that.


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