I Will Lead the Blind

God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him.  Ellen White - Ministry of Healing

Instead of asking, "Why?" I need to trust that He has my best interest at heart. I need to simply give Him my doubts and fears and let Him guide me through this life. That is what He's promised to do.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Someday, it will all make sense.  I believe God has many lessons for me to learn along the way. The mistakes I make, which just bring pain, can even be used for my good and the good of others. Nothing is wasted - nothing is in vain.

I thank You, Lord, for not abandoning me when I fail to listen to You. You never say - I told you so - even when You did so many, many times, but my own desires clouded my willingness to really hear You. I thank You, Lord, for when my feet go their own way, You don't give up on me, but You strive to lead me back to the right path and encourage me to keep going. Help me to be quick to listen and obey Your Spirit.


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