If a Train Doesn't Stop at Your Station...
When I was 13 years old, we lived near some train tracks that were in the middle of town. In this area the trains were usually just parked. But sometimes they were rolling along at a slow pace at night and me and my friends, being the crazy kids we were, would often run alongside them and hop on the ladders. Hoppin' trains! Crazy! Without thought; without regard for our safety. And that reminds me of the way I used to pick guys. Which explains a lot!
Since the day my ex moved out, it seems the guys have been falling out of the sky! I have dealt with many. It was weird and I was a little naive (rusty!lol) after sooo many years of not being single. I'll tell you what, I have been learning so much in this area!! The other day, my oldest daughter posted this saying on my Facebook wall, "If a train doesn't stop at your station, it isn't your train!" Haha...that one really made so much sense to me and has stuck in my head. I thought once that I met someone who was really cool and we seemed to hit it off and then he was GONE!! Wasn't my train! I've seen a few pulling in and slowing down and then keep right on chugging down the line, leaving me with a bewildered look on my face...huh? However, thinking one was surely my train, I shamefully threw myself over the tracks to get him to stop! But had to scramble back up on my feet again, just as fast to avoid getting run over! Oh well, live and learn!
So as I stand at the station, gazing wistfully down that old track, I am full of hopeful expectation of my train's soon arrival. Gone are the days of running alongside and blindly hopping trains...
The difference is praying for guidance and trying to use my own best judgement.
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