Bloom Where You're Planted

I guess the reason I am struggling so much lately, is I just don't know who I am anymore. I found this cute video on YouTube and just wanted to share it and my own thoughts about it.

I used to know where I belonged. I used to know what I was supposed to be doing. My life and roles were pretty well-defined. Even in less than perfect circumstances (way less than perfect!) I had some sense of who I was. Like the woman in the video, my life was centered around kids and family. Now I'm feeling rather uprooted. So when I saw this video yesterday, I just thought, well where do I bloom now? I shared it on Facebook and let it go. This morning, I woke up and wrote in my prayer-journal--I pray that You will cause me to bloom where I am planted. Being a single mom with not a lot of money seems to be my lot in life. How can I bloom right here? Please help me to improve my lot. To have many beautiful flowers bloom and green grass grow right here in my lot.

What's your lot? Are you having success blooming where you are? Do you have helpful hints to share on how to bloom in poor soil? Or without adequate sunlight, or shelter?


  1. I love that translation she used in the text at the end of her video. I get stuck in the KJV, which is a good version, but it sometimes feels out of touch. It's refreshing to read some of the modern translations. :)

    I try to bloom where I am planted but sometimes I feel very inadequate. I am "just" a housewife. I have no children so I don't even have that ministry. Sometimes I fear people look down on me for being at home without children because it's not enough to just minister to my husband. But God did put me here. That was very clear. It's just hard to get out of my own way sometimes. :)

    I hope you're able to find your purpose in these days!

    1. I know what you mean. I felt like people sometimes looked down at me because I was a stay-at-home mom, but I knew it was where God wanted me. I have always loved being home. You're blessed to be "just" a housewife. That is where your ministry is. Someday God may call you to other ministries--without taking away from your ministry to your husband. So don't give another thought to what some people may think, just enjoy what you're doing today :)


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