
There's a big, big world out there...

I've been praying a whole lot about what I'm supposed to be doing with my life now. I have NEVER felt as vulnerable as I do now. Everything's so up in the air. Major life changes are happening as if with a mind of their own. I guess I really have little control over most things. One thing I think of is the fact that my daughter's moving an hour away with my grandbabies. My sister also recently moved away, my kids will probably only be spending half their sabbaths with me. It's almost as if all the old is being torn away, and everything that was once so familiar will be replaced with new and different things. I'm in limbo...between what was and what will be. It's a weird place to be.

I'm really praying for guidance and direction. As we've had some struggles lately, I've seen God use people to help with our needs. It has been amazing and faith-building. I believe God will make things clear to me and open the way for the new life in store. Right now I'm just learning to trust God one step at a time. How basic--how completely overwhelming.


  1. I immediately thought of a song for you. I know music speaks to you, so, here you go :)

  2. That is a beautiful song. I'm not sure I've ever heard Marc James before... It's so hard to surrender but something we need to do on a daily basis.

    1. Yes, he was new to me, too. A good song to get stuck in my head on a daily basis for sure!


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