Going Against the Grain

Being Adventist means being different. Going against the grain. From our day of worship (Saturday) to our diet (typically vegetarian) to our choice of entertainment and several of our beliefs--we are different. Yes, we are the same, in many ways, with other Christian denominations--but it's the differences that tend to cause us to stand out and be noticed.

I think unless some types of people were born into the church, they might have a hard time being so unconventional. Seems people want to just blend in a lot of the time. In my church, that's quite impossible to do, unless you see no one besides fellow Adventists. Yes, we stick out like a sore thumb.

For me, this was quite natural. I've always been a rebel. I never fit into the mainstream. I was a heavy-metal kid and always felt different. It was okay with me and I was probably proud of that fact--who wanted to be like them anyway? So I found my niche--other misfits like myself. And life went on.

Until Jesus got a hold of me and then suddenly-I was different again! I was completely opposite of all my friends and most family. Suddenly, I no longer fit into to that lifestyle. Nope-I was radically changed-different once again. So I found my niche-other Christian misfits like myself (Adventists). And life goes on...  while we wait for the soon second-coming of Christ.

The reason I don't mind being so different is because I really believe in what I'm doing.

Here's a link to explore what Seventh-day Adventists believe.

Here's a link to our official SDA Church website.


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