Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! Today I am celebrating Jesus and what He means to me.

If He wouldn't have come as a tiny, helpless Babe so many, many years ago and showed the world who God was; if He wouldn't have lived a life as an example for me; if He wouldn't have given it all to pay my way...where would I be today?

Nothing in this life compares to having a relationship with Jesus. It's not a one-way, cross-your-fingers, close-your-eyes and hope-He-is-real kind of relationship. God is very real and communicates with us as well. There was a time in my life-most of my life, where I didn't know God. Opening my heart to Him and seeking after Him has been the most thrilling, life-changing experience. 

So today, I am not only thankful that Jesus came to this dark world as a Baby on a mission, but that He comes into my heart, daily, and abides with me here.


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