Keep Praying

God makes me so happy. He's such an awesome friend. As you may know, if you've read this blog, I am having some struggles lately. And some real questions about God. A couple days ago, a friend told me to hold onto His hand and that He'd see me through. And to pray. That encouraged me a lot. So today, at my Bible study, we studied the parable of the persistent widow. The basic message was don't give up. Keep praying. God will help you. It echoed my friend's words. There was a section that listed the reasons God seems to delay His answers. One was that He is working things out in order to bring about the answer. Setting things up. Another was so you'd learn to depend on Him more and feel your need. God arranged this study for this day because He knew I'd need it. And that I needed Him. He also knew I needed a friend and sent one to speak hope to me. What lengths He goes to for me.
 I am forever grateful to have You in my life, God.


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