Wanted: Happy Medium

You know what I'm really tired of? Seeing almost naked women all over the place. I mean big deal, you have a body. Okay you have cleavage. Wow, we all could show it if we wanted to. Men aren't the only ones who have to see it everywhere. Us girls do and so do all the kids around. Is it such a big deal to the men out there? Haven't they seen it all before? Lust, I guess. It's just all so over-rated anyway. Sex... ok. That's nice. But unless it's within a loving marriage, it's not very meaningful.

Yes! I am ranting because I can't go anywhere without some celebrity in a bikini on the cover of a magazine with it saying- so and so gained five pounds. Now look how fat she looks! Or better yet- Wow! Amazing! This star just had quadruplets two weeks ago, she lost 150 pounds and now look at how sexy she is in her string bikini! I mean can we please get a life? Get our minds out of the gutter! Pay attention to what's really important. What about teaching men and boys and women, for that matter, to view and respect women for who they are not what they look like or what they have to offer up to the 'gods of lust'. So sick of my sex being on display to model after and/or lust after. Where can we go to escape this icky place?

I think this is why I am so drawn to the Amish and Mennonites. They are in such sharp contrast to the world. Purity, what's that? I think that's why they are such a spectacle to the rest of us. Look at this strange people! They cover themselves. They aren't trying to draw attention to themselves. Wonderfully protective. I wish the women and girls would realize the worth they have in God's eyes. Most are just following fashion, I'm not judging them. I realize that's just the way it is these days. I just wish it could be different.

My church is big on modesty, as well. I am thankful for that teaching.
We have really just lost something precious in this world.


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