
We're just hours away from another New Year. Another new beginning. I'm not making any big resolutions. No, I want to follow God's leading and learn quickly from my mistakes. I've been praying for a "word" for this year. At my first thought of it, several days ago, my word was "step". I thought- that sounds a bit scary to me. But every time I pray, nothing comes but that word. Last year was "trust". And it was very appropriate. I have learned to trust God more. Though, honestly, not completely. Step means taking a step into the unknown. Like Peter stepping out of the boat. He couldn't walk on water, right? What was he doing stepping out of that boat?
He couldn't do it himself, but Jesus called and enabled him.

"Step" also means to simply put one foot in front of the other. Live one day at a time. It is said God only gives enough light to see the next step. And we only need to take that one step. Simple trust. That's it.
Letting go of the fear and just simply walking with God, one step at a time.

I will be curious to see how this word plays out in my life this year. 

I hope you will consider praying for a word for the New Year.


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