Happy 6 Month Bloggaversary to Me :)

I have now been blogging for 6 months! So far it has been pretty interesting and I have learned a lot. The number one thing is that I absolutely LOVE it! So I want to mention a few things that I have learned along the way.

I love reading people's blogs! Maybe it's my own version of reality t.v. Since honestly, I don't watch much t.v. But hearing peoples thoughts and about what's going on in their lives and reading about the things they care about, is pretty interesting. I am getting an inside view of peoples lives and hearts that I'd otherwise probably never see from people I'd never meet. And most people don't share the details with you the way bloggers do, unless you're pretty good friends. There's a certain level of vulnerability that comes through and is beautiful.You can surely grow to care about the people you're reading. When they're going through hard times you sympathize and when they're full of joy, you celebrate and when they're afraid, you cross your fingers for them and hope for the best. And pray.

I like when someone blogs often. There have been so many blogs I've stumbled upon that I'd love to read more of, but their last post was sometime last year. Disappointing.

I tend to comment a lot. I want to show that I appreciate what they've shared or I can usually relate in some way. Or I just want to show support for the person. Of course I love comments too, but most people don't comment. What makes blogging cool is that it's interactive.

I enjoy sharing parts of myself that I wouldn't otherwise. So it gives me an outlet to process my life and share things that mean something to me. Also I get the opportunity to possibly encourage others. The name of my blog came out of a desire to kind of just show people what life looks like when you have a relationship with God. Of course when you first start out you have to quickly pick a name and that can be hard. I'm not sure what I would've called it if I had it to do all over again. I do talk about God a lot, well because -  that's just who I am. It has been healthy for me to write and share with anyone that wants to read. I also share some things on Facebook, which has been...interesting.

It's hard to get people to follow your blog...oh wait!! Maybe that's just me! Never mind :) Anyway, sometimes it can feel like nobody's reading, but who knows whose really reading?? There's a fine line between being real and making yourself too vulnerable. If you have any enemies you have to remember they could be reading and use it against you. I hope I don't have that problem, though there are people that if I knew they were reading, would tend to make me uncomfortable.

So what do I want to say to anyone reading this? Thank you for sharing your life and your thoughts. Blog often (or start one!) for my benefit and yours :) Comment and don't judge a blog by it's title or design, but find out what's inside. And if you like it, follow it!

It's been a journey for sure.


  1. I want you to know that I really enjoy your blog and watching you grow and come out of your shell bit by bit :)
    I also REALLY appreciate your comments on my own blog. It's so encouraging to know that someone is "tuning" in!
    And you're right--there's a thin line between wanting lots of people to read and not wanting lots of people to read... I struggle with that myself. But I'm sure glad YOU are reading :)

  2. Thank you, Christa! I so appreciate you reading my blog and your encouraging comments also!


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