Rock and Worship Roadshow - UPDATE

I'm not trying to offend anyone with what I am about to say, so I hope you all understand this is just my opinion and experience.

Left tonight's concert with a VERY bad taste in my mouth and will not go to another concert with that many groups again. Especially with music I am not too familiar with.

For anyone who doesn't know my musical history - I was very much into heavy-metal as a non-Christian youth. So much of it blatantly glorified the devil. It was mostly angry, sometimes sad and full of meaning, some of it was fun. Some of it had subtle messages - that I didn't even really understand. Some was very dark, very heavy, very evil - to the point that I realized I shouldn't listen to it because of it's disturbing messages. Some of the music I listened to was just hard rock and that even had it's soft side. But you knew it wasn't good really. And that's part of the draw.

Some of the groups at the concert tonight were ok. Tenth Ave North (the girls really liked them) didn't play the song I wanted to hear. Lacrae was interesting with a pretty obvious God message which I hope God uses out there. A lot of it was boring to me. Even the spiritual talks lacked something this time. One band's bus broke down and they didn't play at their scheduled time...early on. We were told they were on their way...then that they were on the premises, but were getting ready. So they had to play after the headlining band. That was weird. I was a little concerned about their music. The two songs from them that I'd heard on the radio were a little heavier than what I was comfortable with. But I brushed that aside. Disciple was playing last - because of their bus issues...and I couldn't have been more thankful! 

We were sitting there when they started playing. I knew right away, this wasn't something we'd be sticking around for. It was extremely heavy. Way heavier than most of what I used to listen to. Couldn't understand what was being sung. It felt evil. I knew the line was being crossed. I knew this music - this feeling. Spent too many years going to concerts with this kind of music. So I got real close to the kids and yelled (because it was sooo loud) that we were leaving and that this music was not okay. It didn't glorify God at all. I know because I have been there. Well we were not the only ones, people were pouring out of that place.

It made me mad. I said at least the music I used to listen to was right up front about where it was coming from and who it was glorifying. So many unsuspecting kids thinking this was "Christian". Maybe they sang about God, I really don't know. But their music gave allegiance to someone else. And I had a lot of time to think on the way home...about where I want to go with God. About some of the questionable music I listen too. Maybe it's not this heavy but honestly some may be disrespectful to God, really. We're living in a dark time, in a dark world. And tonight left me feeling pretty hopeless about where we are going as Christians.

This has really gotten my attention and I will not look at it the same again. And something from today's sermon stuck in my head as this all played out. The speaker spoke of Elijah and Mount Carmel. Specifically the Prophets of Baal jumping around, praying and cutting themselves. Reminded me of the situation tonight.

I expected to come back and write some nice little blog about what a great time we had (we did have a good time for a lot of it). That isn't happening so here I am with the promised update.


  1. Johanna, the good news is you recognized what was happening and listened to the Holy Spirit. He's teaching you and you are responding.

  2. I dunno. It might speak to someone. I always say God can talk to me through my microwave if he wants to!

  3. I hope that's the case. It just wasn't my thing.


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