Expectation is the root of all heartache.
William Shakespeare


  1. If we keep our expectations a little lower we'll certainly be in for a nice surprise when and if they're met, I suppose :)

    Yes, trusting God for things and being grateful could go a long ways :)

  2. That is both a true and depressing sentiment. I don't think all expectation is bad, but it may be better to call it "hope." But unrealistic expectation, or expectation revolving around other human beings, are destined to bring heartache at some point. I know I'm not perfect at keeping promises or fulfilling people's desires for me. So I have to give grace to other people that they can/will fail as well. Hmmm... heavy thoughts.

    May you have a blessed Sabbath! :)

  3. Yes, Cassandra, this quote bothered me so much when I first heard it yesterday, that I went and found an article on the topic. It's the unrealisic expectations that get us. If we didn't have those kinds of expectations, then we wouldn't be hurt as much, but there are times when it's okay to have expectations--especially when claiming God's promises in faith.

  4. Hey Pam! Love this comment of yours!!! Makes perfect sense! I totally think you've hit the nail on the head. Thank you!!


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