Had a wonderful meeting with the kids tonight. Our topic was on knowing God's will for your life. The speaker shared his personal testimony. A pretty crazy one. He came from a wealthy family but ended up on drugs and committing a lot of crimes, living in a cave in the mountains, where he read the Bible that had been left in there. If you're interested in reading it, it's called, "The Richest Caveman", by Doug Batchelor. It's a great story.
One of my favorite things to talk about is the plan God has for us. One of my favorite activities is watching Him. Seeing all the small miracles. I wasn't always a Christian and I remember the pointlessness of life before God.
I was not from a Christian home, though my mom tried to take us kids to church sometimes. But she struggled a lot with alcohol and so there wasn't a steady foundation. When I was a young teen, I got into heavy-metal and partying. Hung around with the wrong crowd. Life was chaotic for me and I think I was just trying to handle it. I ended up in lots of fights and on independent study. Had a baby at fifteen, I had no idea, at the time, how crazy that was. Not until I had my own 15 year olds.
I had no direction, no way to make good choices. I don't blame myself at all. I don't even blame my mother. She lacked the same thing that I did. The good news is - God got me. And gave me a new life. Hope. Direction. Love. I was 26 at that time and more than a few years have passed (12) and I have had the best adventure with Him! And though things in my life haven't been perfect, I've had the best Friend I could ask for walking with me.
I am happy that my kids have been raised in the church. That is such a gift from God for which I am forever grateful. Don't get me wrong, I have and do still make a lot of mistakes. It's NOT easy, but I just keep trying and apologize to the Lord for my inadequacies and mistakes. He's patient and gracious.
Psalm 103:13-14
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
One of my favorite things to talk about is the plan God has for us. One of my favorite activities is watching Him. Seeing all the small miracles. I wasn't always a Christian and I remember the pointlessness of life before God.
I was not from a Christian home, though my mom tried to take us kids to church sometimes. But she struggled a lot with alcohol and so there wasn't a steady foundation. When I was a young teen, I got into heavy-metal and partying. Hung around with the wrong crowd. Life was chaotic for me and I think I was just trying to handle it. I ended up in lots of fights and on independent study. Had a baby at fifteen, I had no idea, at the time, how crazy that was. Not until I had my own 15 year olds.
I had no direction, no way to make good choices. I don't blame myself at all. I don't even blame my mother. She lacked the same thing that I did. The good news is - God got me. And gave me a new life. Hope. Direction. Love. I was 26 at that time and more than a few years have passed (12) and I have had the best adventure with Him! And though things in my life haven't been perfect, I've had the best Friend I could ask for walking with me.
I am happy that my kids have been raised in the church. That is such a gift from God for which I am forever grateful. Don't get me wrong, I have and do still make a lot of mistakes. It's NOT easy, but I just keep trying and apologize to the Lord for my inadequacies and mistakes. He's patient and gracious.
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
So tonight I am celebrating my salvation, my family's salvation and the plan God has always had for me.
He has a plan for all of us. All we have to do be open to his leading and willing to accept His will for our lives.
What an amazing adventure He takes us on once we do. Wow!
Some ways to discover God's will for your life are:
* prayer
* providence
* the word
* godly counsel
* settled peace
* the Holy Spirit's leading
*My mother and sister have also come into the church. As well as a cousin and an aunt.
Thank you for sharing your testimony! God is good :)