Estate Sale

My daughter and I stumbled upon an estate sale on our way to go shopping in a nearby town this morning. There wasn't a whole lot there to look at. I did find an old apron I thought was cute. It sort of hit me weird while I was there. I started thinking about all the things laying out on the tables, and piled on blankets on the ground. This was someone's life on display and for sale. Her furniture. Her clothes. Her dishes. Her trinkets. Even her Shirley Temple videos, which I bought a couple of  those because I am a fan. I thought of the lady and how she was probably pretty young when she first watched Shirley Temple movies. These videos must have held some significance for her, taking her back to another time in her life.

Most yard sales are just that - sales. People have them to get rid of stuff they don't want or need anymore and sometimes they are held because the people may need money more than they need their things. But this was different. These were the belongings of someone not walking with us any longer. Not breathing the fresh air or enjoying the beautiful sunshine we had today. This was someone I'd never meet. On this side of heaven anyway. I wonder who she was. Who she loved. And if the lady holding the sale was her daughter.

I think the lady was a kind woman because I found a lot of greeting cards in boxes and stacks on one of the tables. She probably was always looking out to see who she could encourage with a card.

I also noticed a really old bright red high chair with a white metal tray, possibly belonging to one of her babies long ago. She could have held onto it all these years as a reminder of the little ones she once nurtured so tenderly.

I thought of my own life. My own special belongings and trinkets that really do hold such special meaning to me. The baby clothes I'd saved from when my kids were little, our Christmas ornaments that the kids have made for us over the years, my books and journals. I thought about what my life would look like spread out on a table for people to pick through, stopping to take something to add to their own collection of worldly belongings. It was a strange feeling. 

Our lives are so fleeting in this world. I just want to truly appreciate everything God has given me. The breath of life, home, family and friends. A beautiful world to live in.
 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of God's blessings.

Until we meet again :)


  1. That was beautiful. It shows the depth of you as a person.
    That's also how I look at things--that's why it's hard for me to go to sales like that.
    It is a good and wonderful quality that you can look past the surface (what everyone else sees) and also see the "essence" of things.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely post :)

  2. You're welcome, Crit. Thank you for reading. Thank you also for so faithfully posting everyday :) I really enjoy your blog.


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