No Place Like Home

Years ago, I listened to music that could take me to other worlds. In my mind, I'd envision all the lyrics were to me. I'd imagine that there would be such a connection between myself and another person, that we'd connect psychically - read each other's minds. That's how close I wanted to be with another person. A very young, idealistic, hopeless romantic.

So this was a pretty tall order and left me open for a lot of disappointment, the first one called - reality. No one could live up to my hopes and expectations.

Until I met Him. 

He was mysterious. I knew of Him, had heard of Him, but what I envisioned Him to be like was so different than what He turned out to be. He would send people to me with invitations to His house, but I didn't want to associate with the people that went there. I wasn't like them. I didn't fit in. I didn't know they were sent at His request.

I tried to forget about Him because I was afraid. I knew He was pretty powerful and that if He wanted to, He could destroy the world. My world. I didn't qualify for escape and would get caught in the destruction. So I fled. Far away.

And though I didn't want anything to do with Him, He had Someone tracking me. His partner. Every time an invitation would come, I'd feel a blow to the heart - that was His partner's job. But I'd just lose myself further in my own life. And ignore the feeling.

And as I walked further and further away, He watched me more closely, waiting for just the right moment. He saw the tears, the unfulfilled hopes. He felt the pain I was made to endure. He watched me so closely and continued to wait, a tear in His own eye. But I didn't see. I couldn't see.

There were people regularly keeping Him posted about me, though He didn't need it. He was keeping tabs on me Himself. They were also asking for His intervention in my life. They knew He was powerful enough to step in and do something to help me. Again and again they asked. And He'd listen, watch and wait...until I was ready. He never forces His way in.

Over time, life had gotten the best of me and I asked someone to ask Him for His help. She did. She asked for Him to provide for my needs in a very specific way; I needed a home. He looked down and saw my desperate need. And my open heart. He set the plans in motion and answered each request perfectly. The one I'd asked to go to Him for me, told me of the details that she had asked for. They matched the provision He had given. Suddenly I felt as though I'd entered a whole new world. A world of endless possibility.

I could now see that He was NOT who I thought He was. Cold, distant and impersonal. No, He was right there with me. He moved circumstances to best fit my need. He helped me. He cared. I could see it!

That changed the direction of my life. I was now walking on a new path. Still quite unknown. From then on it was my aim to learn about this Person and to understand His ways. He gave me His Ancient Book to read and placed me firmly in His house where I'd always belonged. He told me I was His child. And that He never intended any harm to come to me in this life. That one day, it would all be set right. One day He'd take me to the home He prepared for me with His own hands. But until then, He offered to have me abide in Him. He would be my home.

As I read the Ancient Book, I began to see what He was really like. The more I saw His beauty, His heart, His love for all His lost children like myself; when I realized His compassion for the hurting and stepped on people of this world, my love for Him grew dramatically.

And so my question for you is...

                      Where are you on your journey?

I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but One sits watching you with hopeful expectation and loving concern...waiting for you to open your heart.

I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2


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