A Drop in the Ocean

Usually at the new year, I make several resolutions - there are so many areas I need to improve in. In the past, I had the enthusiasm to really try, but this year I didn't want to make the usual list...lose weight, spend more time with God, be a better mom, etc. This year I only wanted to take on one thing and that was to have a very simple family worship with the kids everyday. Dad was welcome, but not pressured. It would consist of reading a daily devotional and having prayer together. I've struggled with being consistent in this area for years and we had completely gotten away from doing it. God never let my mind rest though, and I was always thinking about it. So I decided that that would be our family resolution. It's been a little over a month now and I am seeing good results. The kids' minds are more drawn to God and they are thinking about their relationship with Him.

I also teach their class at our small church and God has given me the wonderful opportunity of holding meetings for them, as well as some older kids, on the weekend nights. They are watching a DVD series that deals with teen issues and questions they have, which will last a few more weekends. I am encouraged to see spiritual growth in the kids. Not only with my kids, but some of the church kids as well. They are all telling me how much they like the meetings, which is very bible based. So I am excited!

Our town is small, our church is small, our kids - few, but I am a firm believer in making a difference in one life. I may not be able to do much for many, but I want to do something for someone. And there are no guarantees, but it's worth the effort.

Sometimes I think the needs can be so huge and overwhelming...What?! We need to reach the WHOLE world with the gospel? Or look at the amount of suffering in the world due to poverty. It can make you feel helpless. Hopeless even. What difference can I make? But to one hungry person, the hamburger you place in their hands can make a difference. It can give them the nourishment they need, and it can also give them  the hope they need by letting them see Jesus in you.

There are so many little things that we may tend to overlook. The widows and the lonely people that need friends. Or a sick person, housebound, that could really use a visit and a hot bowl of soup. There may be someone God has placed in your life and wants you to take under your wing and guide them along the way. They may even live right in the same house as you. It could be as simple as a hug or a smile.

What is God calling you to do? Who has He placed in your life for you to make a difference for? What have you overlooked or ignored (like me with family worship)? Look around and pray - there are many things He has for you to do.

"What we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. I do not agree with the big way of doing things." Mother Teresa

My little class :)

Blessings :)


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