All Things Work Together

Do you ever ask God "Why"? I do. Sometimes He may give us the reason things happen. But it seems that most of the time, we just have to trust. One of my favorite Bible verses that is a comfort when bad or confusing things happen is Romans 8:28, which says:

 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

This verse is a nice reminder that although there is trouble in life, God can and does use even the bad things to somehow bring blessings to us. That all the trials aren't in vain.

Trials grow us. They can bring us closer to Jesus. They can cause us to value what's important in life and cause us to get our priorities straight. When you are going through something really difficult, frivolous things tend to fall away.

Today, my sister and her family are moving to Florida. I'm in California. This isn't what I would have chosen to happen. But God sees the bigger picture and knows His purposes in all this. There was a lot of answered prayer involved and problems that had to be worked out, that has allowed them to go. That makes it easier to accept.

Just knowing that "all things work together" makes life easier to accept.


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