The Opening Door

One way that God communicates with me is by having the same message come at me from different places. I like to call them "clusters." He really gets my attention when He does this. I have heard of Him doing this with other people also.
Over a week ago, when I was waiting for everything to happen, I was writing/praying a lot in my prayer-journal about the situation. I picked up my daughter's little daily devotional book that was a gift for her baptism and found a little story to read. At the bottom of the page, there was a small section  which said...Think of a time when God said - wait. If God is allowing a door to be closed for you, look for the one He is opening. That really jumped out at me. I even have a keychain which says..when God shuts one door He always opens another. That brought me a little encouragement.

A couple of days later, I was at the park with my grandkids I watch and I was writing in my journal and it was like a voice said..."the door's opening." I wrote that down. It didn't seem like my own thought. So of course I really began praying about the open door. And getting sort of excited.

The next day, I was having a particularly hard day. Lots of sadness. Blaming myself and feeling like a failure. Just feeling yucky and pretty depressed. I, I need something to read. I didn't feel like reading the Bible. I didn't feel like looking for a book. I just picked up a teen true story book that was on my coffee table and flipped to a story. It had an "open door" message. That sparked a memory from earlier that same day, when I went on a friend's blog and on her bloglist there a post guessed it "the open door!" Well that did cheer me up for sure!

The next day, on facebook, someone posts a picture of the keychain I have...God never shuts one door without opening another.

I know, I realize it could be a coincidence. It could be like if you're pregnant suddenly everyone's pregnant or if you start driving a certain type of car, they're everywhere! I know all that, but I also know when God is speaking to me and God is speaking to me! With a wonderful hope-filled message.

So I am praying for the opening door.

How does God speak to you? Give you encouragement and hope? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading.


  1. Thank you, Pam. I just want to live the life He has for me.


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