Message to My Blog Buddies

I would just like to take a minute and say thank you to two very special and encouraging people-my blog buddies, Christa and Pam.  Thank you for supporting me during this difficult time...for reading my blog and for giving me so much encouragement as I say what I need to say. Your comments are always so caring and thoughtful. I truly appreciate you and I'd also like to add a thank you to everyone else that reads and/or comments.

 Check out their awesome blogs! Christa's is Crit Chat and Pam's is Life as Pam. You're sure to be blessed!


  1. Awww thank you SO much! You have been a great source of encouragement for me as well :)
    And, the offer for some Dr. Christa time (via email) still stands :)
    One of the main reasons I started my own blog was in the hopes that somehow I would be able to help someone; that someone might read my blog and say "finally! someone I can relate to!" I don't paint my world as rosy all the time just for that reason. Real life means real struggles. That someone can come along and say "I understand" is a comfort. I believe that the pain we go thru in life can be used as a "resume builder" so that we can minister to others who are traveling a similar path. I believe very strongly that by using our experiences with pain to minister to others, we are robbing the enemy; to take what was meant for harm and use it for good/ministry, is a victory! And God uses all things for good for those who love him :)
    That I have helped you, greatly warms and touches my heart :)

    1. God is good all the time--even bringing something beautiful out of our most painful experiences. Thank you so much....I will have to email you :)

  2. Thanks for being my walking buddy!

  3. JoHanna I am so sorry that you have been going through so much trouble, but my friend, looks like you are winning out with Jesus. Just tried to call you but your line was disconnected which really didn't surprise me one bit. I'm praying for you.

    About the geese...............I call them mine but they really belong to the Red Bluff River Park. But all of us along the river in our mobile home park have been trying to help them with their off spring. There are people that have no respect for other species that belong to God and either chase them, throw rocks at them or have their dog chase them.

    I am taking my cat Casper's death quite well thanks to the Good Lord. I thought when he passed I would be very distraught. I had the feeling about three to four months that he was in his last days. When I think of him I thank the Lord that he let me have as long as He did.

    My email is

    Loves ya JoHanna,


  4. Aww...thanks, sweetie! I miss you!!! Hope things are going well with you. Glad to hear the Lord has provided you with the grace to help you get through the loss of your cat.

    Thank you soo much for your prayers--I know God hears them. You must have my old number. I'll facebook it to you...or email it.

    Glad you are protecting the geese! Love you, too, Monica!!!!


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