To Just Be Real

Stumbled upon a young guy's blog today and found inspiration.

He listed the day as Monday. Said he didn't even think he'd been outside for two days...

Then said something about not having much to write about.

I commented that I liked his blog. It was short, simple and to the point. His real voice. I didn't say that.

Then I went back a little further to realize this guy was a singer-making music all night, so that explained why he hadn't been outside for two days. Oops. I also realized that he had a Tumblr he uses more and likes to post pics. I commented again, letting him know I hadn't gone back far enough to see he did have stuff to say. Nevertheless, I liked his blog when he didn't have much to say.

So what inspired me?

His real voice.

Who he was came through.

Just earlier today, I was thinking about how I just really don't have a lot of stuff to write about. How people probably wouldn't want to hear about my daily happenings. They're pretty routine and it seems I can't write about anything but the stuff going on emotionally.

The guy wrote about missing the passion he used to have for music when he was younger, in an older post. I can relate to that feeling of nostalgia for people and times I miss.

I guess that's the beauty of blogs--at times you get a window inside another person's soul. A glimpse into the inner lives/thoughts/feelings of people you probably would never otherwise have known. And even though they are worlds apart from you, you can still make a connection on a deep, emotional level.

So that inspired me. To just be me. To just be real.


  1. You go girl--get on with your REAL self!

    A while ago, I read a comment on your blog that really bothered/disturbed me. Someone said something about how it was hard to be "real" and be a Christian. I understand what that person was saying, but I strongly disagree.

    There is no faking it to God. He knows our thoughts and the motivations behind our thoughts even better than we do. We are transparent to him. He loves and accepts us wholly for who we are, right where we are. The imperfect, broken, messed up version of us is still worthy of love to him!

    If he loves us for who we really are, we should love ourselves for who we are.

    Once we love ourselves for who we are, then we don't need to pretend to be someone or something we're not. Here I am: accept me or don't!

    If people do not love and accept you for who you really are, then they don't really love and accept you.

    Set yourself free and embrace your real and true self and then throw off those shackles that have hindered you from expressing your real self.

    You can say everyone is different and everyone is the same and both statements are true. No one else is like you and yet others are similar. You and I are very different but we can relate because we share some similar experiences (like the father for our kids thing).

    Even your everyday life can be inspiring to someone else! That you are going thru a rough time and yet able to move forward might really inspire someone who is barely able to get out of bed each day. Just like this guy whose blog you read inspired you :)

    And knowing that you read my blog inspires me to keep writing it :)

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment! I have struggled with the whole concept of being real and being a Christian. Not so much with being real with God as with being real with other Christians. I can totally be myself with God; He is amazing. Some places and some people are easier for me to be vulnerable with. I guess it's a process for me. But it's an awesome and freeing process.

      Good...I feel inspired to write about life now :) and thanks for writing!!!

  2. That is interesting about being real.It is so easy to lose yourself sometimes,especially when you have an overload of stuff going on in your life.You can lose your passion,if your not careful.And I would like to know,why and how do we lose that passion and how do we get that passion back? Or can we? My cousin once told me that she admired me for living my life to the fullest,even though it was a worldly,crazy lifestyle.Hmmm....could that be considered a passion for living?But I think that early on in my christian walk,that I truly had a passion for wanting to follow the Lord and trying to share the gospel with others.And that I believe is what we all can have a passion for.Isn't passion an immense love for something?Your post has now made me think about my passion or lack of,thank you for that.

    1. Yes, can't lose your zest for life! I think passions can change as we do. The passion I used to have for heavy metal and those concerts and bands is gone...but the memories of friends from that time period linger on. Now God has given me passion for other things. My one great passion now is God. My other passions stem from that one. I love to watch Him, communicate with Him, talk about Him, learn about and from Him. It's just exciting and really fun :)

  3. Hey Johanna!! no doubt, you are doing really well..
    I should follow you.

    1. Hello Golap! Thank you for reading and following. Welcome :)


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